Eyes Wide Open: The Mentorship is led by Ali Katz (John M. Olin Law & Economics Fellow, Summa Cum Laude - that means she graduated first in her class --Georgetown Law '99), 6x on the Inc. 5000 list, 1x bankruptcy, multi-million dollar business owner, killer business strategist (with a huge heart), present mom, community leader, savvy business babe all rolled into one beautiful authentic human! 

Eyes Wide Open:

the Mentorship
with Ali Katz 

Imagine a future in which...

You wake up and take a deep, easy breath, excited about the day. 

You know exactly what you are going to do once you get out of bed because your calendar is well-organized and structured to tell you what to do in advance. And, you are excited about everything you are working on, and the steps you are taking to move forward. 

You no longer make decisions from a place of fear, you are freed of the scarcity mindset and your words, thoughts and actions are aligned. You are happily living your life, and building your income with integrity, clarity, and generosity. 

You know you will make some mistakes along the way, and you also welcome those mistakes because you recognize them as part of the process. And, you trust you will learn the right lessons quickly because you are asking the right questions. And you have a trusted community where you can bring your vulnerability, share the mistakes, and learn quickly from them. 

You know the exact right role & income model for you, your unique needs. You trust yourself to make the right investments at the right time and have trusted advisors that you can ask when you don’t.

You are clear about how to use your time, energy, attention, and money (your TEAM resources) in full alignment with your values. You know how to earn what you need when you need it and your future feels secure. 

You have rock solid Legal, Insurance, Financial, and Tax systems (LIFT) to support your growth and eyes wide open decision making for a lifetime. 

You use your privilege of time, energy, attention and money (TEAM) resources to be a Creator of the Economy. Your Great Work makes a difference in the world in the exact right way for your particular gifts, skills and talents. 

Eyes Wide Open: The Membership will help you step into this future.

I just wanted to express my gratitude for your support. It's truly been a blessing to be in eyes wide open and receive your mentorship. The Value has been far beyond what I paid for it.

- Gina Worful

Legal Guidance. Financial Wisdom. Tax Savings. Conflict Management. Eyes Wide Open Decisions for Your Life + Business.

The place to come to ask your stickiest questions and get support for the confounding decisions you know you need help to make -- or that it would be really great to double check with a trusted advisor by your side. 

Stewarding your resources, and your business, is a constant process of evolution and growth, and it happens one Eyes Wide Open decision at a time.

The Mentorship with Ali is the perfect place to learn, grow, evolve, and get the confidence to make the wisest decisions when it comes to all things LIFT: legal, insurance, financial and tax -- affordably. 

Trying to do it alone, or by cobbling together a hodge-podge of legal, insurance, financial, and tax advisors and HOPING they are managing your affairs well is a recipe for disaster. 

++Your Special

August Bonus

This will never happen again!

Join now to participate in the Live LIFT Accelerator starting this September. 

Ali will be hosting live sessions of the new upgraded LIFT materials with Live Q+A’s for ease of implementation and regular accountability mastermind sessions to make sure your legal, insurance, financial and tax foundation is solid and you have structural integrity in your life and business. 

The LIFT program includes answers to all the questions you didn’t know you needed to ask, to be resilient in the upcoming recession and operate a thriving business, company, nonprofit or impact enterprise. 

This experience alone could easily be a $7,000-$10,000 investment. You’d spend this much on legal and financial advisors, and unfortunately many wouldn’t even know how to guide you properly. 

And, we are committed to you making your LIFT systems full of heart, soul and integral structure that you can count on. 


In the past, you many have felt unexcited about getting the legal, insurance, financial and tax parts of your life and business in order. Ali did too, and that’s why she made over a million dollars of mistakes learning the hard way that her unwillingness to face the LIFT parts of her business was a representation of deep shadow, insecurity and scarcity-based thinking that had been passed down for generations.

We approach legal, insurance, financial and tax matters from a perspective of transformation - hence, part of the reason we call it LIFT.

By getting real with your LIFT systems, you get to look at the patterns that emerge -- avoidance, frustration, scarcity, etc. 

By working with money and our LIFT systems, we get an intimate look at what’s really running us and how we’re unconsciously self-sabotaging. Not only will we get your external LIFT systems setup, we’ll help you rewire the internal infrastructure that’s made it hard for you in the past, as we go. 

"Hi Ali, I am LOVING this Money Map to Freedom Course. Wow, amazing! So many juicy insights coming up while I'm going through the exercises! Thank you! Lots of love"

Laura Hollick, 

Soul Art Studio, www.soulartstudio.com

"I just got off the phone with Ali and my head is bursting with ideas. In just a quick 30 minutes she was able to hone in on the heart of what I am creating in my business and shared some excellent suggestions re: things that I simply hadn’t thought of before (and quite honestly couldn’t see myself.) I got more from Alexis in this short call than I have from day-long trainings I’ve attended in the past, she’s simply awesome."

Tina Forsyth, OnlineBusinessManager.com

"I'm pretty sure I'm getting more clarity from the straight forward, no-fluff approach of a $500 program than I did from a $10,000 mentoring experience I did last year. So many programs mix dumbed-down with fluffed up, neither of which speaks my language. Thank you for something direct!"

Dawn Dalili, 

ND, dawndalili.com

Let’s make sure you are a match for

Mentorship with Ali:

  • You want to trust yourself, and know you've got a bit (or more) to learn when it comes to wise legal, financial and business decisions.

  • ​You desire to align your time, energy, attention, and money (TEAM) resources in highest service to yourself, your family, and the planet; 

  • You want to price, package, and sell your services so you stop underearning, going into time debt, or wondering if you are really getting paid what you are worth;

  • ​You want to choose the right way to launch or grow your business in a way that's authentic

    to who you really are & how you really want to be in the world;

  • ​​​​You're ready to go from 1:1 to 1 to many and expand your offerings so you can leverage your time, energy and attention and serve more people;

  • You love to fail forward, get support to clarify your learnings, and move forward powerfully, integrating the right lessons quickly;

  • ​You want the truth from someone who has been there, done that, never hides the ball and always gives it to you straight, with your best interests in heart and mind;

  • ​​​You're ready to hire a bookkeeper or CPA, so you can pay less on your taxes (or you want to uplevel how you work with your existing bookkeeper or CPA);

  • ​​​​​You want to know which coach or consultant to hire, course or program to take next

  • You desire an objective outsider to help you look honestly at the difference between a bright, shiny object and the exact right next best investment for your learning and growth;  

  • You want to work with your parents, boss, business partners, investors, team members, or vendors with clean boundaries around time, energy, attention, and money so that everyone gets their needs met in a win/win content;

  • ​You want to design an income model that is truly in alignment with you and your Entrepreneurial Archetype (maybe you don't want to be in the spotlight, and so many of the programs out there are teaching only that);

  • ​​​You are dreaming of a financially savvy, conscious community of folks committed to creating a new earth that gives you the exact support that you need when you need it.

  • You're ready for "Eyes Wide Open" decision-making to heal your money dysmorphia and always have what you need, and create what you want.

Any of these ring a bell? We get it. We’ve been there. We get you, & we’ve got you! 

It's what Eyes Wide Open:
The Mentorship with Ali is all about.

Benefits of Joining

Eyes Wide Open:

The Mentorship with ali

Here's what we offer and why it's what you need:

A place to get support to make great decisions

Eyes Wide Open: The Mentorship is the place for you to safely learn how to operate within our current system, as you are also prepared for what’s coming next. 

It’s the place for you to ask the questions you need answered before making any decisions about how you use your resources, so you are 100% confident that you’re making great decisions in full alignment with the future you want to create, as you step into your role as a creator of the economy.

A $15,000+ Library of Ali's COURSES and
the support you need to implement them

When you join us, you get access to over $15,000 of legal, insurance, financial and tax education and training programs that will guide you to align your time, energy, attention, and money (we call these your TEAM resources), in full service to who you are, why you are here, and what’s yours to do. 

These training programs were created by Ali Katz because she needed them herself, as she
went from bankruptcy to building her eco-system of portfolio companies that
is now earning $10M+ annually
, has made the Inc. 5000 list 6 years in a row -- yes, sustainable growth is possible when you make Eyes Wide Open decisions -- and is making a real, positive impact in the world.

Ali Could Have Packaged These Programs into a $15,000 Offer

She knows how to do that, and has done it well. But... 

She is making them all available as part of
Eyes Wide Open: the Mentorship

 She wants these programs provided affordably, accessibly, and for you to have the time you need to implement them, on your schedule, along with the coaching and community support you need to do it. 

The 5 Eyes Wide Open Training Programs include:

The Enough Course

Ali’s foundational training that will support you to know exactly what enough is for you, so you can build from a foundation of sufficiency, not survival.

You'll see and heal your Money Dysmorphia, apply the concepts of permaculture to money, and learn to use two powerful tools to support you on your journey to Enough: the Money Map Tool + the Eyes Wide Open Wealth, Credit and Liquidity Assessment.

Money Map to Freedom: Clarity

With the Money Map to Freedom, you will get crystal clear about the resources you need + want to create the life you desire + the ideal income model for your Time, Energy, Attention, and Money. 
Ensuring you have the right income model for you, and that you're playing your right role will free up SO much energy, and likely money too. 

In this course you’ll get access to and training to use the MONEY MAP TOOL, one of the best "budgeting" and planning tools that ever existed.

You will actually see what you need to thrive, and what you need to be of service so you can stop crunching #’s in your head or operating from ungrounded financial goals, and become grounded in reality about your true needs. 

You’ll also see how much time you have to generate the amount of money you need, taking into consideration the time you put towards everything else in your life -- from sleeping, to parenting, to love making, to yoga. This helps you to make Eyes Wide Open decisions unlike any tool we’ve seen. This is way beyond budgeting by looking at your current expenses and income -- this is a tool for empowerment to lead you towards financial liberation. 

Money Map to Freedom: Strategy

Once you have clarity about your income, it's time for strategy, so you can execute with ease.

With the Money Map to Freedom Strategy modules, you will:

  • Choose the Right-Aligned Marketing Strategies

  • Identify Exactly How to Enroll All the Clients/Customers You Need

  • Hire the Right Team Support Keyed to Your Vision

  • Learn the Practical Magic Strategic Vision Planning Process to Move You Into Right Action at the Right Time.

This program is not for sale separately, but when it was, it was part of a $10k/year program.

Pricing and Packaging
Your Great Work

If you are charging hourly, it's time for an uplevel.
Use the Pricing & Packaging course to create packages based on outcomes so you can set your financial goals, and hit them, consistently by selling the exact right number of your new packages!

The LIFT Foundation System + Toolkit


This is Ali's flagship course for everything you need to know about LIFT: Legal, Insurance, Financial and Tax systems as they apply to your life and business. This course sells for $5,555 separately, and is included in the Mentorship for as long as you are a member.

Includes legal agreement templates, guidance on how (and when) to hire the right advisors and so much more to LIFT your confidence in your foundation.  

Plus, as part of the Mentorship, you are able to post agreements and deal terms to be vetted, contracts before you sign them, and get support to resolve conflicts before they escalate into a full on war.

One-to-one advisory for LIFT would run you $250-$1500 per hour, and Ali's guidance will help you to know when you need it, when you don't, and how to find it as affordably and effectively as possible.

The Credit Course

If you aren't using credit wisely now, or you've made mistakes in the past, the credit course is for you. Unless you are independently wealthy, using credit to fund your business is critical, if you want to grow. This course will show you how (and help you clean up past mistakes).

The LIFT Foundation System:

When you register today you will join us for the LIVE version starting in September!

Learn What You Need to Know About the Legal, Insurance, Financial and Tax Systems You Need to Support Your Foundation as a Creator, including legal agreement templates, guidance on how (and when) to hire the right advisors and so much more to LIFT your confidence in your foundation.  

Plus, as part of our private member’s group, you are able to post agreements and deal terms to be vetted, contracts before you sign them, and get support to resolve conflicts before they escalate into a full on war. One-to-one advisory for this is typically in the thousands of dollars range. 

Not to mention how much money, energy and potential headaches are saved by making great agreements now, with expert support. 

That's not all...

You'll Also Get:

Guidance From Ali Katz and Our Other BAD *SS Eyes Wide Open Faculty

Ali Katz

You’ll get direct access to Ali Katz (founder of Eyes Wide Open: The Mentorship, lawyer, entrepreneur, self-made millionaire) who created these tools because she needed them for herself + the Eyes Wide Open team who helped her along the way.

Robert Kandell

Ali’s personal CFO, who helped her build her company to $5M a year in annual revenue by working with her to see her numbers clearly, and strategically plan out her next steps each quarter. Rob will teach you how they did it, and support you to come to love your numbers.

​Lexi Soulios

Ali worked with Lexi to heal family and ancestral trauma that was unconsciously playing out in this current reality. Lexi will be providing monthly support to Eyes Wide Open: The Mentorship community to support your ancestral healing.

The Marketplace: Access to Vetted Advisory and Support Services

As you are building your right-aligned income, you’ll need to hire support along the way. 
Whether that’s virtual assistant or online business manager support, or the support of an executive assistant, or a bookkeeper, financial advisor, CFO, or lawyer…

Before you hire, come to Eyes Wide Open: The Mentorship and find out who we recommend. 
We’ve done the heavy lifting of trial and error in finding the best advisors for you. There’s already been a ton of aligned matchmaking happening in our community!

You'll Be Part of A

Brilliant Community

You’ll be part of a community of people who are committed to living into their right role as creators of the economy while making wise decisions about the use of their resources.

With the support & guidance of Ali and the broader community, you will skip the second-guessing and uncertainty that comes along with building your income, supporting a heart project, or learning to reallocate your time, energy, attention, and money in ways that are in true alignment with who you are, why you are here, and what’s yours to do. We need each other. It’s time to move away from separation consciousness into thriving in community. 

Whether you know it yet or not, we all want to find a safe place to be seen, held, witnessed, called up, and to do our healing work, especially around money. 

And as you get real deal support, you’ll find clarity, and learn to become financially liberated. Where else in your life can you witness conversations from financial + legal + tax questions to healing ancestral patterns of your soul? It’s comprehensive, collaborative, and includes a diverse collection of people. 


Even if you only use your membership 1x in a year, it’s worth it to have peace of mind that you have somewhere to go when you need clarity or feedback. 

You can either think of the membership like you do Netflix, LegalShield, or insurance — while you might not use them everyday, it feels so good to know that they are there for when you need them. 

Or you can use this membership like a lifeline, showing up often to get clear & nourished. 

Show up as much or as little as you desire. Our goal is that you learn from our active community at your pace and that you still have the money to expand your business, hire team or other experts when you are ready.

It can be FRUSTRATING and OVERWHELMING when you don’t have the experience to know what to do, or when you are too close to the situation to make great decisions.

And a lot of the time, you don’t even know what questions to ask.

Well how in the world are you supposed to figure it all out on your own?

Most people do it with trial and error. And that's REALLY expensive. 

Ali struggled, just like you, to find her authentic voice, balance work and family, rapidly grow her businesses with integrity and transparency, and she made millions of dollars + millions of dollars of mistakes along the way. 

She also learned a tremendous amount through the process and created a decision-making framework to support you to be able to learn, evolve, and grow through your process of decision-making MUCH more quickly and far more affordably.

You’ll learn to use Ali’s Eyes Wide Open Decision-Making Framework with her programs and in Eyes Wide Open: The Mentorship. Ali made all those mistakes, so you don't have to.

That's exactly why she created Eyes Wide Open… to support you to step into your right role as a creator of the economy (by helping you see what you likely can't on your own) and guide you to stay on the direct path between where you are now and where you want to go. 

The Eyes Wide Open Membership is for you if:

  • You are ready to take the straightest path from where you are now to where you want to go with the confidence of a community, a decision-making framework and a step by step path to support you with clarity + strategy + foundational support; 
  • ​You are ready to make the leap from employed to on your own, or from 1:1 services to 1:many, or into your first career or second life, and you want to do it with your resourced well-aligned, and you don’t want to do it alone;
  • ​​​You’re tired of buying program after program and not getting the results you want because you can’t fit all the pieces together. 
  • ​​​You want clarity to know that the advisors you hire, and the team members you work with, are the right one’s for you, and you want systems to work with anyone on your team so you aren’t abdicating responsibility, but instead delegating wisely;
  • ​​You want and need to put a solid legal, insurance, financial and tax foundation in place to secure and protect your hard work (and your family);
  • ​​You want something to be accountable to that is bigger than you, you are ready to step into your power, and to finally take control of your relationship to time, energy, attention and money, 100%;
  • ​​You’re tired of buying program after program and not getting the results you want because you can’t fit all the pieces together. 
  • ​​​You want an investment plan + income model that is congruent with who you are and the lifestyle you want, instead of just mimicking the current guru of the week model that may or may not be right for you;
  • ​You are ready to face challenging money issues with parents, business partners, team members, vendors or clients.

Stop throwing away your money buying programs or hiring coaches that are not actually what or who you need next (or wondering who or what can actually help you), you'll know.

Instead join a community that will help you be clear about your next right step and learn to live with your Eyes Wide Open as the guru of your own life + income.

See what Ali’s peers have to say about her beingness and work in the world

"She is truly brilliant at helping entrepreneurs design high income businesses, without giving up their heart or values."

Kendall SummerHawk,
Million Dollar Marketing Coach

"Trained lawyer, a killer business strategist and a successful online and offline marketer all rolled into one beautiful and authentic person!"

Lisa Sasevich,

Queen of Sales Conversion

"When you are working with her, you know you have tapped into pure entrepreneurial brilliance!"

Sheree Keys,

Smart Women’s Institute of Entrepreneurial Learning


“The Mentorship”


  • 3x/month live calls with Ali and Lexi so you can get direct support as you grow your life and business eyes wide open

If you have wanted direct mentorship from a woman in business who has made it to where you want to be ... this is the place to get it

Yes, you get access to all of Ali's "Eyes Wide Open" courses and programs and keep access for as long as you are a member ...

Total Annual Value


Best Value

(get 2 months free)


12 month committment


If you aren't quite ready for the Mentorship, because "you can't afford mentorship, yet" ...

"The Membership" is for you

  • ​Weekly "Plan Your Week" sessions with Ali and her COO, Ariel to take control of your most valuable resource: TIME

  • Weekly "Mid-Week Energy Upgrade" with Ali and her personal energy healer, Dr. Allen

  • Private community for your Qs as you go through Ali's courses and integrate her teachings.

  • We created the membership for those of you ready to take control of your time, energy, attention and money (TEAM) resources, but who haven’t yet mastered your time enough to feel that you can afford the mentorship option.

  • For just $111/mo, you get all of Ali’s courses and teachings to guide you to generate what you need, when you need it, in alignment with your values plus the weekly support to use your time, energy and attention wisely, so you can generate all you need.

Just getting access to all of Ali's courses and programs alone makes the membership worth it ... but, you receive so much more

Total Annual Value


Best Value

(get 2 months free)


12 month committment


See what people have to say about receiving support from Ali:

"Ali Katz is a top-notch business strategist. She connects at a heart level while using her brilliant legal and business mind to guide her clients into smart action mode. In less than 30 minutes, she had deftly shifted me into crystal clarity about my online business launch, who I best serve and how to best serve them. Thank you, Alexis, for empowering me to help more people!"

Mollie Marti, 

Founder, BestLifeDesign.com

"Eyes Wide Open is in a league of their own. Wish so many more knew of the high value work you all do behind the scenes, and be a new economy model for others to follow!"

Dr. Jan Lei Iwata, 


"YOUR amazing work around Partnership agreements has transformed my business and it just keeps getting better and better and better. Every time I turn around in my business I find a NEW way to apply LIFT!! You are an infinite blessing in my life and I am TRULY DEEPLY Grateful!"

Anjel B. Hartwell,
Author, Artist, Alchemist



In Eyes Wide Open: The Mentorship - You Get Immediate Access to Over $15,000 of Trainings + Ongoing Support

The LIFT Foundation System ($3,997)

So You Know Exactly How to Set Up Your Legal, Insurance, Financial & Tax Systems with Ease

+LIVE Accelerator with Q+A and Accountability Support (worth an additional $3,997!)

 Register By August 23rd to get the special invite!

Pricing and Packaging Your Great Work ($2,500)

How to Offer Your Work So That Your Prospects Get It and Want to Buy What You Have to Offer

Credit Course ($111)

Everything you need to use credit wisely ... and repair any poor credit mistakes you've made in the past.


Learn What You Need to Know About the Legal, Insurance, Financial, and Tax Systems You Need to Support Your Foundation as a Creator, including legal agreement templates.

The Enough Course ($1,111)

Knowing what is "Enough" for you is the foundation of everything. This course guides you to know what it is, how to find it, and how to heal any money dysmorphia that's kept you from knowing your "Enough"

Marry Yourself Course ($Can't Purchase$)

Ali married herself, as a ritual ... and it was a full-on wedding, held on 2/22/222 ... officiated by Jess Magic and Christopher Life, with an original poem by Adam Roa, attended by 50 community members ... this wedding was complete magic. And, before that, was the marriage contract + the proposal/engagement. When you enroll in Eyes Wide Open: the Mentorship OR the Membership, you get the "Marry Yourself" Course to consider how you may want to commit to yourself at the next level.

To Get Crystal Clear on the Resources You Need to Create the Life You Desire. 

Money Map to Freedom: Strategy ($2,000)

To Design Your Revenue Model Around Your Life (Instead of Letting Your Life Be Run By Your Need for Money). AND in the New Year we will also be hosting Money Map: Clarity and Money Map: Strategy as LIVE Accelerators -- which adds another $5-10k in bonus value for joining now. 

PLUS Mentorship from Ali and Lexi in the Eyes Wide Open Community (Ali gets paid a minimum of $33,000 to work with private clients -- and you get her mentorship included with Eyes Wide Open: The Mentorship)

2x/Month Mentorship with Ali Katz to take your next steps on the journey to financial liberation with a focus on the entrepreneurial mindset + the legal, insurance, financial and tax (LIFT) systems you need.

Monthly Holistic Healing calls with Therapist Lexi Soulious focused on Healing Ancestral Trauma that’s often rooted in patterns of scarcity.

Weekly Plan Your Week Community Calls to take control of your most valuable resources of time, energy and attention to create exactly what you want

These Programs Would Sell for More Than $15k, If Purchased Separately, but Are ALL Included with
Eyes Wide Open: The Mentorship.

One opportunity to get mentored by Ali or Lexi can easily cover the cost of many months of your membership. You’ll be getting Ali’s eyes, ears, experience, & heart (and from all of the loving-brilliant members) on your questions in this group setting. Truly Priceless.

AND if Ali decides to open up opportunities to work with her privately, you’ll be the first to know.

Frequently Asked Questions

I'm busy, how much time will the Mentorship take?

The Mentorship was designed for you to use as you see fit. You can show up to every coaching call each week or you can pop in when you need support. You'll have access to all of our programs, coaching calls, and brilliant community. We've seen many of the members create a great balance in 'doing the work' on their businesses and coming to calls for clarity & questions. This is not a program that will take over your time. You'll have full control to ensure it supports your life and income.

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Is Eyes Wide Open: The Mentorship women only?

Nope. We serve humans of all genders who choose to live their lives and create their income with eyes wide open.

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I’m new in business! Just getting started. Will this be too “advanced” for me?

Not at all. Newbies welcome. If you’re working on making your first $100K—or even your first $5K as an entrepreneur—The Mentorship has tools.And if you’re worried you’ll feel overwhelmed by The Membership, don’t be. We don’t just throw you in and let you fend for yourself. We give you specific instructions on which training programs to do first, then which ones after that, so you have a clear path to follow. If you ever feel confused, our customer service team is just one email away!

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I’m a seasoned entrepreneur. Is this going to be too “beginner level” and “basic” for me?

Let us ask you: Are you earning all the money you want? If so, are you confident that you are using it wisely? Do you have all of your legal, insurance, financial, and tax systems in place? Do you always feel 100% confident in your money decisions? What about your life path decisions? If not, then The Mentorship is not too basic for you. It’s exactly what you need to next-level your business and income, and we’d love to have you!As a seasoned business owner, you’ll get inspired by peers who are operating at your level and higher. You’ll learn a ton from our guest experts, and you might learn a thing or two from the newbies, too!You’ve been doing this whole entrepreneur thing for a while, which means you’ve been around long enough to know that as you implement and grow, you’re going to have to make wise decisions each step of the way. We’ll be the resource to support you there.

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I’m not really into “memberships.” I’ve never been a “group” person. I’m a leader, not a joiner.

Good. We want you to lead at the highest level and stop making decisions in the shadows that compromise your leadership. Every single member is a leader in their own right, committed to doing their great work in the world and becoming financially liberated. You belong here, and you’ll be inspired by what the other leaders are doing. There’s a reason why athletes tend to train at the same facilities—under the same roof. When you surround yourself with excellence, it inspires you to become even more excellent, too.

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How will being in the Eyes Wide Open: the Mentorship help me now?

Folks in Eyes Wide Open: The Mentorship right now are using their resources to create the foundation of enough and gaining clarity on their next steps to create the future they want.  One of our members just had a $30,000 launch, because she received the support from The Membership to hire the right team, clear a personal issue with her divorce, and she did it while having access to a brilliant community of support when she had questions.  Other members are cleaning up their credit scores with 25 point increases already. Other members are designing their next level income models.Others are raising capital -- $300,000 brought in by one member alone. Others are double-checking contract terms before signing off to license their contract, or hire their next team members. If you have questions about the best way to move forward, are unclear, want to create a solid legal foundation, want to recreate (or create) programs and products that are in right alignment with your lifestyle, or simply want to know how to use your EIDL, The Membership is a great fit for you.

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I'm not sure what support I need, how would I know if this is right for me?

It's not an accident that you've found us. Trust your instincts. This Membership is a place that you can ask anything! It's actually one of the reasons I created it, to help those who are unsure, gain clarity. Myself and the team will help you figure out your NEXT right-aligned step.

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Can I get a refund if I find The Mentorship is not a fit for me?

We don’t offer refunds, and this is a 12-month commitment. 

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What happens after I join?

Almost immediately after joining, you’ll receive a welcome email with an invitation to join our private members-only online community and personal login to the custom Eyes Wide Open members site where you will access all of the training programs, including the Enough Course (for your first 30 days), then Money Map to Freedom: Clarity + Strategy, the Pricing and Packaging Course and the LIFT Foundation Systems program.

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I have another question that’s not addressed here?

Email us at support@eyeswideopenlife[dot]com

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If I don't register now, when will the membership open next?

We’re not sure. It may be mid-September, but we’ll have to see how things are going with our time, energy and attention. But, one thing is sure … we will not be giving away the LIFT Accelerator program that we’re giving you when you enroll now. And, this program is (at minimum) a $5,000 savings for you + will earn you at least another $10,000 this year, if you choose to dive in fully. 


Here’s a bit more on the LIFT Accelerator:

  • I will guide you to set up (or clean up) your business entity, so you are able to confidently generate more money without wondering if your assets are hanging out or over-exposed to unnecessary personal risk or paying too much on taxes.
  • ​I will guide you through protecting your intellectual property, hiring your team members in ways that maximize your chances of success in the hiring process. 
  • ​I will give you the money management tools I created to take me from bankruptcy to being able to lead a $5M a year company that has made the Inc. 5000 three years in a row.. Seriously, I would not have been able to do any of that without this tool, and it has nothing to do with budgeting or cutting expenses. It’s all about learning to manage your money so that you generate more income, and feel great about how you are using it. Most personal finance experts teach you to save your way to success (great for consumers, but terrible for creators), and I’ll teach you the opposite. Instead of scrimping and saving, you will learn to earn what you need to free up your time, energy and attention, every single month by using this tool. 
  • ​Finally, we’re going to save you money on your taxes. Once and for all, you will not need to ask the question … is my accountant getting creative enough with my tax savings?!? You’re going to know, once and for all because you’ll be the creative one in this equation. 

What Clients Are Saying...

"The Money Map is the BEST product I have ever purchased. This is the kind of work that doesn't come naturally to me and that I actually resist against, so having this product has been so valuable. There is so much that I learned but one of the biggest things for me was that I don't have to be afraid of the numbers and also, if I do feel afraid, that's ok too. There is no way I could have done that work alone, without the help of the Money Map. I have bought a ton of products online (I kind of feel like an info product junkie!) and there hasn't been one that I would recommend as highly as the Money Map. I wish everyone I know could have access to it."

Ashley Inzer, The Launch Designer

"Ali’s program is great for those who love to have strategic, logical approaches to business. But it's an even greater program because she makes sure students incorporate the heart-driven, intuitive aspects that are often left out by us logical "left brainers" - and the exact reverse for those heavy on the "right brain" side of things. She has just the right touch in knowing when to get you to focus on your “numbers” and when to focus on deeper "stuff" that gets in the way of reaching your true purpose. Her honesty and vulnerability in sharing her own path make this program REAL."

Marie-Jeanne Juilland

“Ali Katz is a truly gifted business strategist. She has an uncanny ability to unearth the precise sweet spot between an entrepreneur's interest & skills, the market's needs & appetite, and the emotional blocks that can hold you back from taking action. If you feel like you have a gift or a calling inside of you that's itching to get out (or get out in a bigger way) - Ali can pop that cork. She helps you clarify the "truth of who you are" and then use that information as a springboard to build a business model that serves both your life and your calling. After working one-on-one with Ali, I now have a crystal clear understanding of how to go from entrepreneurial passion to ongoing profits in the precise way that works for me, my message, and the people I want serve. Very importantly, Ali provided invaluable support as I moved through the (inherently messy & painful) emotional "stuff" that comes up as you make career shifts. The world's savviest business strategy won't get you anywhere if you are stuck in a mindset that pulls you in the opposite direction. And the best part of all… Ali approaches business strategy with a level of authenticity, integrity, and desire to create meaningful end results that is refreshingly rare in today's world.”

Manisha Thakor, founder, Women's Financial Literacy Initiative, ManishaThakor.com

"I found the call today enlightening on many levels. I loved the opportunity to see behind the scenes - it has (as it was intended) allowed me to open my eyes to a different way of working. It has provided a true vision of what may be. Thank you."

Keirsten Quest

"It wasn't until I began working with Ali that I finally understood the value of taking my power back regarding all the 'red tape' involved with owning and running a successful business. This year, after a huge wake-up call on a session with Ali, I scheduled a tax planning meeting with my accountant and tax advisory. Because of that meeting and planning ahead I'm saving big bucks on taxes this year. Woot! Add to that working less and nearly tripling my income, this has been a rock star year!"

Amy Ahlers, CEO of Wake-Up Call Coaching, Co-Creator of Inner Mean Girl Reform School and Visionary Ignition Switch

"I went from being a traditional OBGYN to being a bestselling author with online courses, programs and products serving hundreds of thousands of women. I was joking yesterday that your Money Map was my "gateway drug" in an incredibly positive way. I grew my list from 2,000 to 100,000 with your guidance (there were others too) -- and you never forget your Internet marketing "first love." That's you!"

Dr. Sara Gottfried, bestselling author of The Hormone Cure, www.saragottfriedmd.com

"The Money Map was the catalyst for my first $20,000 month."

Tara Gentile, www.taragentile.com

"GREAT. Though I've taken dozens of "self-growth/business/spiritual" courses over the years this one, like all, is beautifully unique, but in a way that puts it ahead of many. Pushing my edges (safely and loving)... inspiring me to create deeper connections, and realigning me with my resources and needs. I'm feeling like this needs to be taught more, feeling into if I'm the right person for that. It feels selfish to keep it to myself. Grateful you decided to re-launch and share it."

Joel Sprechman

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